Can a diabetic eat Apple cider vinegar?

Can a diabetic eat Apple cider vinegar?

Can a diabetic eat Apple cider vinegar?

Yes, a diabetic can eat apple cider vinegar. Many studies found that apple cider vinegar helps regulate blood sugar levels. Some people with type 2 diabetes find it helpful to drink diluted apple cider vinegar to regulate blood sugar levels. Scientists are yet trying to gather more scientific evidence on the effects of apple cider vinegar on blood sugar levels.

Does apple cider vinegar lower blood sugar levels?

Some studies involved diabetes patients drinking little apple cider vinegar before going to bed. As a result of apple cider vinegar, they found they have lower fasting blood sugar levels. Few other studies have found that consuming apple cider vinegar as part of a meal can result in lower postprandial blood sugar levels.

Many studies indicated that apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity. Generally, people with diabetes found blood sugar levels lowered after about 30 minutes of consuming apple cider vinegar. However, experts believe more studies in controlled environments need to take place for better scientific research.

Does apple cider vinegar cause any adverse conditions?

Apple cider vinegar does not cause much harm generally when people take it diluted and in small quantity. However, in some people who consume apple cider vinegar daily, there could be some side effects. So, if you plan to take apple cider vinegar daily or occasionally, you may want to keep an eye for the below side effects. The normal side effects of apple cider vinegar include delayed stomach emptying, changes in digestive cycle, teeth problems including enamel loss, irritation in throat etc. It is a good idea to dilute apple cider vinegar before consumption to prevent some of these side effects.

How do you eat apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best condiments for diabetics. There are many ways to consume apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar goes well with many salads for diabetics. You can start with apple cider vinegar as salad dressing or top up a juice with apple cider vinegar. Some people like to make a drink with a cup of warm water, a spoon of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of honey and drink it first thing in the morning. Another popular way to consume apple cider vinegar is to add apple cider vinegar to green tea along with honey and coconut oil.  

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