Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet | What can a Diabetic eat?

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet contains full detail of what a type 2 diabetes patient can eat throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels in control.

A diabetes diet sheet also provides you with tips that help you to maintain good health, eat well and keep blood sugar levels in control.

Diabetics must eat balanced meals at regular intervals. They can neither eat too much in one go nor skip meals. Overeating and starving can be really dangerous for a person with diabetes.

For diabetics it is important to manage a balanced diet. Diabetics must make sure they include different foods with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. in every meal. A diabetes diet sheet lists names of foods and portion sizes for every meal to make diabetic friendly meals.

So, what can a diabetic eat to keep diabetes in control?

Balanced Diet

Overall it is very important that a type 2 diabetes diet sheet recommends a balanced diet with great nutrition.

Generally foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar are not good for diabetics.

So, diabetics can eat all types of food, but must choose the low fat, low sugar and low salt ones.

It is also important to look at the portion sizes. All diabetics must make sure their portion sizes are small to meet their body needs.


Protein is very important for any one including diabetics. We all must eat good amount of protein with every meal. Protein helps grow and strengthen muscles and repair body tissue. Higher levels of protein improve your body metabolism.

A diabetes diet sheet must include healthy sources of protein in every meal. Meat is the most popular source of protein. The problem with meat is lack of fibre. As meat does not contain any fibre, it is not a healthy source of protein.  On the other hand, many vegetarian protein sources give you protein as well as fibre. So, good source of protein for diabetics is natural vegetarian food such as spinach, broccoli, beans and lentils etc. I found this organic protein powder very nutritious and helpful.

A diabetes diet sheet must include healthy sources of protein in every meal. Meat is the most popular source of protein. The problem with meat is lack of fibre. As meat does not contain any fibre, it is not a healthy source of protein.  On the other hand, many vegetarian protein sources give you protein as well as fibre. So, good source of protein for diabetics is natural vegetarian food such as spinach, broccoli, beans and lentils etc.


It is important to include some carbs in a type 2 diabetes diet sheet. Such carbs must be able to release slowly. Foods rich in carbs that release sugar very quickly can raise blood sugar levels quickly. This can be dangerous for the well being of a diabetic. On the other hand, when a diabetic eats foods with carbs that release slowly, blood sugar levels do not rise much.

Also, a diabetes diet sheet must make sure the diabetic meal plan contains just small portion of carbs at any time. Eating too much carbs may lead to weight gain. Higher body weight indicates higher risk of other diabetic complications. So eating carbs is important for good health but diabetics can eat only small portions of carbs.

Saturated fats or Animal fats vs. Vegetable fats

Apparently, saturated fats or animal fats lead to significant weight gain and heart related problems. They are foods to avoid with diabetes. So, a diabetic patient should not be eating much saturated fats or animal fats. On the other hand, animal fats do not contribute to much weight gain.

As a result, a type 2 diabetes diet sheet contains fewer saturated fats, fewer animal fats and more vegetable fats. Eating more vegetable fats is good for diabetics due to the beneficial nature of vegetable products and less risk of obesity.


Diabetics can consume diary products but only the low fat ones. Butter and cheese are only sparingly used in a diabetic diet. A diabetes diet sheet may contain various diary products such as milk, yogurt, cheese etc. but generally only the low fat variants.

Fruits and Vegetables

Type 2 diabetes diet sheet must contain more fruits and vegetables.  Diabetics can eat vegetables raw or steam or grill them and eat. Guava, blueberries, papaya, cherries, apples, kiwi, grapes, jackfruit, grapefruit, black berries are some of the best fruits for diabetics. Pumpkin, okra, tomato, cucumber, celery, egg plant, cauliflower, capsicum, lettuce, cabbage, etc. are some of the best vegetables for diabetics. Many leafy greens such as spinach, kale, arugula, coriander leaves, mint leaves, fenugreek leaves are beneficial for diabetics.

Overall experts sometimes suggest that eating lots of vegetables and fruits is good for you. A diabetes diet sheet therefore suggests fair amounts of raw fruits and vegetables in every diabetic meal.

You can find out what vegetables are best for a diabetic from this post. And, you may want to check out a list of best fruits for diabetics by reading this article.

How to cook and serve diabetic meals?

Salads are the best foods for diabetics to eat. Starting a diabetic meal with salad can be helpful in many ways. Eating cooked food like main meal after eating salad will help regulate blood sugar levels.

When it comes to main meal, diabetics can grill, steam or oven bake food rather than frying or cooking with oil or fats. Foods with creams are not good for diabetics as they contain more fat than the non-creamy ones. A diabetic food chart must include tips and tricks involved in cooking meals for diabetics. While serving diabetic meals, one needs to place only small amounts of condiments such as ketchup or mayonnaise. A diabetic can only eat small amounts of condiments high in sugar, salt and fat. However, other condiments such as vinegar can be served to a diabetic just a bit more generously.

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